Our Five Foundations for a Whole Child is based on our belief that all people are created by God for relationship with Him, as evidenced through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The ‘fruit’ of this relationship should be visible in our interactions with others. The ‘Guidelines for Student Wellbeing & Behaviour Management’ help to strengthen our mission and foundations by promoting a positive, safe learning environment where students and teachers can thrive.
Christway College works together with families and professionals to support students experiencing social, emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
Social and emotional learning and mental health promotion messages are incorporated into the life of the College in the following ways:
The school provides a safe social environment by promoting safety through the curriculum, topics covered include; Cyber Safety, Water Safety, Classroom and Playground rules, Fire Safety, Road Safety, Pool Safety, Home Safety, Healthy Choices, Bike Safety and Social Thinking Curriculum
Christway College is a Sun Smart School. Hats are required for staff and students alike in Term 1 and Term 4. They must be worn whenever the person is outside. Non-compliance requires students to play undercover. Sunscreen is provided in each classroom for use by students before recess and lunch if they have forgotten to apply their own at home. Families are encouraged to apply sunscreen to their children before attending school.
Hot Day Timetables ensure students are protected from extreme weather. If temperatures reach between 30-35°C, students must remain in undercover areas. Where temperatures reach above 35°C, students must remain in airconditioned classrooms under teacher supervision.
To maintain student safety and enhance wellbeing Christway College staff members supervise the yard from the moment students enter the College at 8:15am, to the moment that they leave at 3.25pm. Duties continue until all students have left the campus or have joined the after-school care program.
Wellbeing week is celebrated each year to provide further opportunities for students to live out the values and principles we teach. A variety of activities complement the existing curriculum, these include a dress up parade, activities that educate students on sporting games from different nations and music from around the world.
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